Scrisoare deschisă către criticii protestului din 17 august 2023
Dragă criticule de serviciu al protestelor civice la care oricine e binevenit, Dragă conformistule care nu crezi că există intenție malefică din partea autorităților românești de a impune vaccinarea obligatorie,…
Aleksandar Vučić cu Tucker Carlson: Războiul pe care NATO îl poartă împotriva Rusiei în Ucraina a zdrobit economia Europei
Președintele sârb Aleksandar Vučić a acordat un interviu jurnalistului american Tucker Carlson, în care a afirmat că „războiul pe care NATO îl poartă împotriva Rusiei în Ucraina a zdrobit economia…
Ministerul Sănătății toacă milioane către compania de publicitate „PROPAGANDA” într-o campanie de „conștientizare asupra importanței vaccinării și imunizării”
Ministerul Sănătății a contractat compania de publicitate și branding „Propaganda” pentru o campanie de „conștientizare asupra importanței vaccinării și imunizării”. Campania va dura trei luni și va costa bugetul de…
Drama film: The Vampire Diaries (American drama series)
movies have an enchanting power that transcends time and borders, captivating audiences with their unique blend of storytelling and visual artistry. These films are more than mere entertainment; they're a…
Drama film: Vikings (The Best Drama Series in this year)
movies have an enchanting power that transcends time and borders, captivating audiences with their unique blend of storytelling and visual artistry. These films are more than mere entertainment; they're a…
Drama film: The Vampire Diaries Season 4 (Tv Series)
movies have an enchanting power that transcends time and borders, captivating audiences with their unique blend of storytelling and visual artistry. These films are more than mere entertainment; they're a…
Drama film: The Vampire Diaries Season 2 (Tv Series)
movies have an enchanting power that transcends time and borders, captivating audiences with their unique blend of storytelling and visual artistry. These films are more than mere entertainment; they're a…
Drama film: Peaky Blinders (British drama series)
movies have an enchanting power that transcends time and borders, captivating audiences with their unique blend of storytelling and visual artistry. These films are more than mere entertainment; they're a…
Action film: The Shannara Chronicles Austin Robert Butler
movies have an enchanting power that transcends time and borders, captivating audiences with their unique blend of storytelling and visual artistry. These films are more than mere entertainment; they're a…
Drama film: Sleepy Hollow (TV Series 2013–2017)
movies have an enchanting power that transcends time and borders, captivating audiences with their unique blend of storytelling and visual artistry. These films are more than mere entertainment; they're a…