CATOLICI: „Sister Cristina” cântând melodia „Born This Way” la The World’s Best

https://www. youtube.com/watch?v=g9ydpnQgbio

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“The World’s Best” este un nou World Talent inceput anul acesta in SUA.

Born This Way este melodia cantaretei Lady Gaga despre care puteti citi mai multe la:

VIDEO: „Born This Way”, clipul in care LADY GAGA o intruchipeaza pe MAMA MONSTRU CE NASTE O NOUA RASA



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5 comentarii

  1. adica despre falsii sfinti ai papistasilor

    Dar atentie, sunt acolo si cativa sfinti autentici din primele secole, sa nu se faca confuzie!

  2. Și de ce ne-am mira? Catolicii au căzut din anul 1054. Problema e la noi, care zicem că suntem ortodocși, dar prea adesea ne comportăm ca vrăjmași ai lui Hristos.
    Hristos a înviat, frați ortodocși, și noi să înviem împreună cu El!

  3. PAPA e acuzat de EREZIE intr-o scrisoare deschisa semnata de 19 preoti catolici si diversi reprezentati ai mediului academic spune:


    “The Open letter to the bishops of the Catholic Church is the third stage in a process that began in the summer of 2016. At that time, an ad hoc group of Catholic clergy and scholars wrote a private letter to all the cardinals and Eastern Catholic patriarchs, pointing out heresies and other serious errors that appeared to be contained in or favoured by Pope Francis’s Apostolic Exhortation Amoris Laetitia. The following year, after Pope Francis had continued by word, deed, and omission to propagate many of these same heresies, a ‘Filial Correction’ was addressed to the pope by many of the same people, as well as by other clergy and scholars. This second letter was made public in September 2017, and a petition in support of it was signed by some 14,000 people. The authors of that letter stated however that they did not seek to judge whether Pope Francis was aware that he was causing heresy to spread.

    The present Open letter to the bishops of the Catholic Church goes a stage further in claiming that Pope Francis is guilty of the crime of heresy. This crime is committed when a Catholic knowingly and persistently denies something which he knows that the Church teaches to be revealed by God. Taken together, the words and actions of Pope Francis amount to a comprehensive rejection of Catholic teaching on marriage and sexual activity, on the moral law, and on grace and the forgiveness of sins…”

  4. In viata duhovniceasca nu exista stagnare:ori te ridici ori cazi.Despre papistasi ce sa zic…

Dă-i un răspuns lui PAPA e acuzat de EREZIE intr-o scrisoare deschisa semnata de 19 preoti catolici si diversi reprezentati ai mediului academic Anulează răspunsul

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