OMS, Comisia Europeană și Centrul European pentru Prevenirea și Controlul Bolilor au emis o alertă comună privind atacurile gripei și ale virusului respirator sincițial, care se suprapun peste amenințarea Covid. Astfel autoritățile fac apel la populație, în special copiii, să se vaccineze atât împotriva SARS-Cov-2, cât și împotriva gripei, pentru a se proteja de infecții.
Comisarul pentru sănătate și siguranță alimentară, Stella Kyriakides, directorul regional al OMS pentru Europa, Dr. Hans Henri P. Kluge, și directorul Centrului European pentru Prevenirea și Controlul Bolilor, Dr. Andrea Ammon, au emis o declarație comună în care au avertizat că epidemia de gripă a sezonului 2022-2023 a început mai devreme în regiunea europeană. Totodată, aceștia au arătat că există o creștere a îngrijorărilor legate de virusul respirator sincițial (RSV) și de amenințarea Covid-19.
Infecții respiratorii la copii
În 23 de țări din UE care au raportat date privind infecția respiratorie acută severă (SARI), pacienții spitalizați au fost diagnosticați în principal cu virusuri de tip B (85%), copiii cu vârsta de patru ani și mai mici fiind cei mai des afectați. Virusul respirator sincițial a fost, de asemenea, în creștere din octombrie în aproximativ 20 de țări, care se confruntă cu o activitate intensificată a acestui virus. Potrivit autorităților europene, ratele de cazuri de Covid-19, internările în spitale și în unitățile de terapie intensivă (UTI) și ratele de deces sunt în prezent scăzute în comparație cu ultimele 12 luni, dar această situație s-ar putea schimba pe măsură ce apar noi variante, boala continuând să pună în presiune resursele de asistență medicală.
”Având în vedere impactul continuu al pandemiei de Covid-19 și impactul asupra circulației și asupra sănătății altor agenți patogeni respiratori, este o provocare să prezicem cum se va dezvolta noua perioadă de iarnă. Având în vedere acest lucru, nu ne putem permite să devenim mulțumiți. Trebuie să intensificăm programele de vaccinare și măsurile de pregătire în întreaga regiune. Necesitatea de a proteja sănătatea populațiilor noastre, în special a celor mai vulnerabile, este la fel de puternică ca întotdeauna. Continuăm să îi încurajăm pe cei mai vulnerabili – persoanele în vârstă, femeile însărcinate, persoanele cu afecțiuni de bază, cum ar fi boli de inimă și lucrătorii din domeniul sănătății – să se vaccineze împotriva gripei sezoniere și a Covid-19. Vaccinarea reduce șansele de a fi infectat și reduce riscul de îmbolnăvire severă de Covid-19 și gripa sezonieră”, se mai precizează în declarația comună.
Revine masca de protecție
Comisia Europeană, OMS și ECDC îndeamnă cetățenii europeni să se protejeze prin spălarea regulată a mâinilor și purtarea măștilor potrivite, în special atunci când se află în locuri aglomerate, închise, cu ventilație inadecvată. ”Recomandăm clinicienilor să ia în considerare tratamentele antivirale timpurii și profilaxia pentru gripă, RSV și Covid-19, conform ghidurilor naționale, pentru cei care sunt expuși riscului de boală severă, pentru a preveni rezultatele severe și pentru a reduce sarcina asupra sistemelor de sănătate. Doar fiind pregătiți, vigilenți și continuând să facem ceea ce știm că funcționează, vom putea depăși provocarea din această iarnă”, se mai arată în documentul citat.
Ați văzut de ce mai este încă în funcție Arafat? Și de ce a fost decorat de Johannis de Ziua Națională? Acum e limpede de ce, pentru că planul genocidar nu s-a încheiat.
Părintele Justin Pârvu a zis:”Nu primiți nimic din ce vă oferă puterea politică actuală”. Așa că păziți-vă, frați români.
O închisoare invizibila fost construita pentru noi
Un pașaport internațional de vaccin, identitate digitală, un sistem de credit social și o monedă digitală a băncii centrale (CBDC) formează un sistem de control digital care va bloca in lock down populația în permanență
Recunoașterea facială este o parte esențială a structurii de control, deoarece este „parola” identității digitale
Până la sfârșitul anului 2022, vor exista 1 miliard de camere de supraveghere care colectează date în lume, toate conectate la internet și inteligență artificială (AI). Camerele și dispozitivele de înregistrare audio din telefoanele mobile, automobilele și aparatele inteligente colectează și partajează, de asemenea, date
Toate aceste date sunt apoi folosite pentru a oferi fiecărei persoane un scor individual, bazat pe comportamentul, expresia și interacțiunea cu lumea. În cele din urmă, scorul de credit social, va dicta ceea ce puteți și nu puteti face, ceea ce puteți cumpăra în cazul în care veti putea merge la cumparaturi
Inteligența artificială (IA) este o componentă absolut crucială, fără de care sistemul de control nu poate funcționa.
Cel mai simplu mod de a împinge împotriva acestui sistem este de a muri de foame prin refuzul de a utiliza tehnologii AI care colectează și partajează datele dumneavoastră cu caracter personal
Must Hear Interview: Your Digital Prison Is Pretty Much Built, & Will Be The Final Lockdown – YouTube
In the video above, Maria Zeee with ZeeeMedia interviews computer scientist Aman Jabbi about the coming international vaccine passport, digital identity, the social credit system being built in the West, and central bank digital currency (CBDC).
All these factors are now coming together to control the global population. As noted by Zeee, this digital prison, which is already mostly built, will be the final lockdown of mankind.
Your Digital Identity Will Be Your Digital Prison
In the video, Jabbi goes through a presentation that explains the digital prison that is your digital identity — in other words, how your digital identity ties in with the coming social credit system and will control what you can and cannot do in your everyday life.
As noted by Jabbi, surveillance cameras with facial recognition software have already been erected around the world. They are an essential part of the control structure, and this surveillance will be linked together with digital identity, the social credit score system, carbon footprint tracking, CBDCs and more.
Facial recognition has been sold as a great convenience and security feature. With facial recognition, you don’t need to remember pins or passwords, and since no one has your exact face, it’s supposed to keep your personal accounts more secure.
But, as with most other technologies sold under the guise of convenience and security, facial recognition is ultimately a tool for mass control and an essential part of your individual digital prison. As explained by Jabbi, the Chinese control system is based on facial recognition in combination with a social credit system.
He describes the Chinese social credit system as a feedback system that responds based on your behavior. Unbeknownst to most Westerners, an identical system has already been set in motion behind the scenes in Western countries — they just haven’t told you yet.
Weaponized Surveillance
By the end of 2022, there will be 1 billion data collecting surveillance cameras in the world, all connected to the internet and artificial intelligence (AI). The United States actually has the most surveillance cameras per capita. China is second place and the U.K. in third.
In addition to all of that data collection, cameras and audio recording devices in cell phones, automobiles and smart appliances also collect and share data, even when you’re at home.
All these data are then used to give each person an individual score based on their behavior, expression and interaction with the world. Ultimately, that score — your social credit score — will dictate what you can and cannot do, what you can buy and where you can go.
As noted by Jabbi, there are also additional control mechanisms already built into the hardware being erected. For example, many smart light poles have built-in charging stations for drones, which in the future will be used for law and behavioral enforcement purposes. We will largely be policed by AI and machines.
These smart light poles can also be weaponized. Built-in are LED incapacitators. Sometimes referred to as “puke rays” for their ability to induce severe nausea, LED incapacitators are weapons designed like a flashlight that emit an extremely bright, rapid and well-focused series of „differently-colored random pulses.” According to Jabbi, these lights can also induce brain damage, spinal damage, sickness and likely even death.
LED combined with radar on some smart poles can also be used to identify people carrying guns, and could theoretically be used as a weapon to selectively take out people carrying weapons.
A New Chapter in the ‘Social Contract’
Digital identity has been described by the World Economic Forum (WEF) as a new chapter in the social contract. The problem, as noted by Jabbi, is that the WEF’s new social contract is one that none of us has agreed to. It’s being revised by the WEF and its allies and thrust upon the rest of us, without our consent.
The vast majority of people don’t even know what this new social contract actually entails, or how it will affect their personal day-to-day lives and individual decision-making ability. That, for obvious reasons, has never been fully delineated because, if fully understood by everyone, virtually no one on earth would accept it. After all, few people with normal intelligence relishes having their lives dictated by someone else.
As shown in the graphic above, your digital identity will be required to unlock all aspects of life, from logging onto the Internet to accessing social services, travel, food, shopping and financial services. If your social credit score is too low, one or more of these aspects can be turned off and made unavailable to you. “So, by default, you’re always a prisoner,” Jabbi says.
Your digital identity is confirmed through facial recognition, and is tied to your social score, carbon footprint score and CBDCs. As your social and carbon footprint scores go down, so does your purchasing ability.
As noted by Zeee, the international vaccine passport proposed at the 2022 G20 meeting is, at least right now, THE key to the entire effort to get everyone into the digital ID system. So, preventing the adoption of vaccine passports is a central component of resistance to the digital prison system in its entirety.
Once we accept digital identity, it’s Game Over for humanity. ~ Aman Jabbi
You must also reject the vaccine passport unless you’re willing to be a medical lab rat for the rest of your life. Zeee cites documents stating 500 new vaccines will be ready by 2030 that are targeting most common diseases. It is likely that having an up-to-date vaccination status will be one of the requirements to maintain a valid passport, which will also serve as your digital identity.
In other words, vaccine refusal can be used to nullify or “lock” your digital ID, leaving you unable to do, go or buy anything. The question is, what will those vaccines be? Basically, you’ll have no choice but to comply, even if you believe or know that a vaccine can injure or kill you, as is the case with the COVID jabs.
Zero Trust System
As explained by Jabbi, the new social contract created by the WEF and its allies is a zero-trust system. In a physical prison, prisoners are under a zero-trust policy. In other words, the guards don’t trust the prisoners and there are security measures in place to make sure they behave. The new open-air prison system envisioned by the WEF is based on the same premise.
Everywhere you go, you must prove who you are and that your compliance metrics are in alignment with the prevailing rules. So, to buy food, you have to not only identify yourself so that your purchase can be permanently logged as one of your purchases, but you also have to meet certain compliance standards, or else your CBDC won’t work.
The default in this system is denial, so everything you want to do — absolutely everything — must be unlocked by your digital ID. As noted by Jabbi, “Once we accept digital identity, it’s Game Over for humanity.”
Geofencing and Smart Cities Form the Walls of Your Prison
To enforce your conditional access to life, geofencing will be used. Smart light poles equipped with LED incapacitators can be used to prevent you from going beyond your designated geofence, but there are also other geofencing mechanisms. For example, your CBDC can be programmed to not work outside your district, and your smart car can be programmed to shut down past a certain perimeter. Jabbi also reviews the inexorable push toward smart cities, which will:
Limit your mobility and eliminate car ownership
Control you through weaponized surveillance
Ration water, electricity and gas consumption
Surveil your speech
Track your actions and whereabouts 24/7
Starve the Beast
Jabbi cites a formula created by the WEF’s philosophical guru Yuval Noah Harrari, to describe technocrats’ ever-growing ability to hack humans: B x C x D = AHH
B stands for biological knowledge, C is computing power, D is data and AHH is the level of ability to hack a human being. As noted by Jabbi, the ability to hack humans is dependent on AI being fed a constant stream of data.
It’s a “beast system” in the sense that AI is the beast, and it needs to be fed. Its food is data, gathered through a vast array of data conduits such as cameras, recording devices, facial recognition, GPS and sensors of all kinds that make up the Internet of Bodies. You can learn more about this in “Manufactured Dystopia — Globalists Won’t Stop Hacking Humans.”
AI is an absolutely crucial component for success of the digital prison. Without it, it cannot work. The answer then, is to starve the beast, and we do this by withholding our data. “No amount of legislation can stop this,” he says, “it has to be done by the people.” In short, we must refuse to use the technologies that gather our data.
We won’t be able to avoid them all. Smart light poles and traffic cameras, for example, cannot be avoided unless you avoid certain areas, which could include your own street. But there are many we can avoid, such as smart watches, fitness trackers, smart thermostats, smart TVs, AI assistants and Ring surveillance cameras just to name a few.
We can also fight, on a local level, to prevent the expansion of facial recognition cameras and 5G, and we can refuse the coming vaccine passport, and the push toward virtual reality. As noted by Jabbi, one way in which people are surreptitiously led into the digital prison is by relying on apps that offer convenience, such as apps that allow you to order food or transportation.
Eventually, they’ll phase out apps on your phone and transfer them to virtual reality googles, so that you have to be in the virtual world in order to use them. It’s important to understand why this is done. It’s to force you deeper into the digital prison system, which includes digital clones and living much of your life in a virtual reality.
At present, China is being rocked by massive protests against the Zero-COVID policy that is used to imprison tens of millions of people in their homes for weeks on end. You’d think an American company like Apple would stand for American values like freedom but, no, it does not. It’s working with the Chinese government to quell dissent.
As reported by Bloomberg1November 9, 2022, Apple is limiting its iPhone file-sharing tool, restricting AirDrops from non-contacts to 10 minutes. The wireless file-sharing feature was used to share pictures and videos from the protests, thereby encouraging more people to join.
According to Bloomberg, while the change was only made to phones sold in China, Apple says it plans to roll out the same limitation globally. Why? Are they predicting anti-government protests elsewhere?
According to a Twitter user named Songpinganq,2 the video above shows iPhone workers clashing with police over the country’s Zero-COVID policy. In response, the Chinese government is alleged to have remotely switched all of the protesters’ COVID passports to “red,” which prevents them from entering public spaces.
If they try to enter a building, for example — including residential complexes — an alarm will go off and they’ll be detained and escorted to a quarantine camp which, by the way, they have to pay for. That’s how easy it is for the government to eliminate undesirables from society once this kind of control system is in place.
(For the record, I cannot confirm that the featured video is indeed iPhone workers, or that they’re specifically protesting the COVID measures. Regardless, the basic premise remains true, which is that government would be able to control large masses of people remotely, through their digital identity/vaccine passport.)
The video3 below is said to be from a Chinese quarantine camp. A health worker walks through the complex measuring the detainees’ body temperature. The second video4 shows the inside of a quarantine cubicle.
The good news is people around the world are starting to realize what’s happening. As explained by legal philosopher Eva Vlaardingerbroek (video above), the reason there are now mass protests around Europe is because they’re realizing that the COVID vaccine passport system rolled out in Europe is a control system that has no expiration date. They’re realizing it’s meant to be permanent, and that it will be expanded.
In the video below, a young Chinese man describes how the digital ID, CBDCs and the social credit system operates in China. By 2017, they already had the technology to automatically deduct fines from your account for infractions such as jaywalking, and the control network is only getting larger and more sophisticated.
Is this what we want in the West? Is this what you want for your children and your grandchildren? If not, you need to participate in the movement to prevent it, and that starts with making changes in your own life to starve the beast of your personal data, and educating your family and friends about this necessity.
Sources and References
1 Bloomberg November 9, 2022
2 Twitter Songpinganq November 22, 2022
3 Twitter Songpinanq November 22, 2022 Video 2
4 Twitter Songpinganq January 9, 2022
citez din prezentul articol: ,,Vaccinarea reduce ȘANSELE de a fi infectat și reduce riscul de îmbolnăvire severă de Covid-19”…
Frate, zău, chiar așa!!??!! Reduce ȘANSELE sau RISCUL, PERICOLUL? Nu mai știu eu limba română? Intreb deoarece văd tot mai des vehiculată această stupizenie! Șansa = ceva de bine/imbucurător și dorit ce ți s-ar putea intâmpla…
P.S. și oricum nu există ,,Covrig^19”, există doar intenția unor psihopați de a te injecta cu fel și fel de otrăvuri… Cinicii spun ca e un test de inteligență și că 7 miliarde TREBUIE să-l pice! Realiștii spun insă că e un test de REZISTENȚĂ pe care il vor pica intre 6 și 7 miliarde! Optimiștii spun că RUȘII VOR CÂȘTIGA RĂZBOIUL contra natostanezilor și nebunia satanistă va lua sfârșit oprind Clepsidra Morții la sub 2 miliarde…
I-au scos iar șefii lor lor la treabă ordonându-le să compună alte minciuni, tot așa de credibile ca și cele dinainte, adică să le creadă mai întâi cei care le compun, pentru a continua planul de pecetluire a populației globului. Nu mai țin cont de război, fiindcă au văzut că acesta-i de durată, ci dau cu biciul în Arafat și cei care-l decorează pentru a începe din nou campania de vaccinare. Sunt „foarte bine intenționați”, chiar au mai scăzut ștacheta la 55 de ani, dar și la femei însărcinate și la copii între 1 și 4 ani.
De aceea se spune că „munca îl înnobilează pe om”, fiindcă iată că celor care primesc bani fără muncă, precum organizatorii plandemiei, li se cer când nici nu gândești servicii de reducere a populației prin promovarea la nivel înalt a minciunii în locul adevărului. Sistemul mafiot îți dă bani dar te și forțează să-i urmezi lui Cain. De aceea mare vorbă este aceea:”Sărac și curat”, adică trăiesc doar din leafa obținută prin muncă cinstită și astfel, ca o consecință, sunt liber ca pasărea cerului. Și așa vreau să și mor.