Bannon, fost director al site-ului de ştiri Breitbart.com, a stabilit o mişcare prin care să militeze pentru alegerea unor politicieni de dreapta naţionalişti şi populişti în Parlamentul European.
Acesta a declarat că a efectuat deja câteva vizite la Budapeste, unde i-a întâlnit pe Orban şi pe consilierii săi.
Purtătorul de cuvânt al Guvernului din Ungaria nu a putut oferii imediat declaraţii.
Orban a salutat ideea grupului lui Bannon, denumită Mişcarea, afirmând că este pentru prima dată când cineva din Statele Unite a vizitat Europa cu intenţia de a milita pentru o gândire conservatoare în loc de valorile liberale.
Meet the Jewish Gatekeeper Enlisted to Make Sure Europe’s Far-Right Remains Pro-Jewish
November 17, 2018
… Steve Bannon, President Trump’s former right hand man, has enlisted jewish attorney Mischael Modrikamen in Belgium to help him “unite the Right” in Europe but also make sure The Movement steers away from “racism” and “antisemitism”:
In Belgium, the new partnership has provoked anger from the far right, which resents the criticism by Modrikamen, and the left, which has accused Modrikamen of betraying the fight against racism.
But for many, the main response is puzzlement over Bannon’s choice of a relatively minor player on the nationalist scene to serve as The Movement’s executive director when he clearly possesses the heft to bring in bigger names.
“It’s not an obvious choice and, frankly, I don’t have an explanation for it,” said Nicolas Zomersztajn, editor in chief of the left-leaning Jewish Belgian Regards magazine.
Modrikamen said it came down to “an instant click” when the two men met earlier this year. Bannon has not replied to JTA’s questions on the partnership.
Whatever the reason for Bannon’s choice, the fact that Modrikamen, 52, is Jewish and has led the charge against anti-Semitism in his country can’t be bad for the movement he heads — his members are regularly accused of xenophobia, racism and anti-Semitism…
With 40 million unemployed in Europe and “empty national coffers,” Modrikamen said in a 2016 film, “newcomers are predominantly young, uneducated, unqualified men — mostly Muslims, with different, archaic values that we can’t change. Our wives, our daughters, our mothers were chased like prey by the hordes of primitives in Cologne, and that is only the beginning,” he said, referencing large-scale sexual harassment and assault by North African men that took place in the German city on New Year’s Eve 2015.