China: Identificarea biometrică se adaptează măștilor purtate împotriva Coronavirus

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Focarul Coronavirus oferă provocări autorităților chineze, dar oferă oportunități pentru companii de biometrie precum SenseTime și Megvii , după cum arată un raport al Reuters . SenseTime a dezvoltat un sistem de recunoaștere a feței care poate identifica indivizii care poartă măști pentru față, iar Megvii a dezvoltat un sistem care integrează camere termice pentru detectarea temperaturii și date ale corpului și imaginilor faciale pentru identificarea persoanelor.

Utilizarea crescută a măștilor de față a fost raportată anterior și reprezintă o provocare majoră pentru sistemul extensiv de recunoaștere facială în locurile publice din China.

Sistemul Megvii a fost construit cu sprijinul mai multor ministere guvernamentale și este testat la Beijing. SenseTime intenționează să își desfășoare sistemul la intrările de clădire.

Dahua mai spune că a dezvoltat o tehnologie capabilă să detecteze sterile febrile cu o marjă de 0,3 grade Celsius cu imagini infraroșii.

Raportul detaliază utilizarea recunoașterii faciale publice și alte sisteme de urmărire pentru a identifica și monitoriza persoanele care sunt purtători Coronavirus, deoarece autoritățile încearcă să limiteze focarul. Recunoașterea facială și detectarea de plăcilor de înmatriculare sunt printre tehnologiile utilizate pentru a monitoriza persoanele care au fost expuse la virus și care nu respectă recomandările de carantină. Datele mobile sunt, de asemenea, utilizate pentru a urmări locurile în care au fost oamenii și, în curând, pot fi utilizate de consumatori pentru a-și arăta locurile trecute către autorități sau angajatori, potrivit raportului.

Datele cu privire la zboruri și trenuri sunt colectate și analizate, iar Japan Times raportează că un sistem dezvoltat de Baidu este activ în gara Qinghe, scanând călătorii pentru a efectua biometrie faciale și a detecta temperatura corporală. Dacă este detectată febră, sistemul alertează personalul stației.

Japonia Times notează că sistemul Megvii este implementat într-o stație de metrou din Beijing. Un purtător de cuvânt al Megvii a declarat pentru Japan Times că o echipă de aproape 100 angajați au lucrat pe tot parcursul vacanței de Anul Nou Chinezesc pentru a optimiza modelele companiei pentru a detecta temperatura de pe fruntea expusă a unui subiect.

În ciuda faptului că a fost inclusă pe lista SUA a companiilor care necesită licență de funcționare, surse au sugerat recent că activitatea de recunoaștere facială a SenseTime continuă să crească rapid .



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5 comentarii

  1. Sunt zonele cu temperatura cea mai mare, de aceea si cipurile implantate se vor alimenta cel mai bine in aceste zone.

    1. Recunosc ca nu ma pricep, asa ca pun o intrebare numai ca om care nu se pricepe la subiect: Cum ar putea mainile sa fie cele mai calde parti ale corpului … din moment ce se afla la extremitatea organismului ?

  2. Angajatii din crematorii nu mai fac fata numarului de morti si sunt disperati
    12:30 majoritatea celor arsi in crematorii au murit acasa, 61%, 38% au murit in spitale
    15:34 din 127 de morti primiti intr-un crematoriu in ultima zi, doar 8 erau declarati morti datorita coronavirusului in certificatele de deces, deci numarul real al mortilor este de 15 ori mai mare!

    1. Transcriptul interviului este aici: http://projectcamelot.org/lang/en/anglo_saxon_mission_interview_transcript_en.html
      Omul spunea ca in 2005 se planificase ca epidemia va veni in China dupa ce va fi un razboi nuclear in Orientul Mijlociu si o parte din armata chineza va invada estul Rusiei si cealalta parte se va indrepta spre Ierusalim.
      We’re talking 2005. It was after the May general election — that’s when Blair was voted back in again. That meeting definitely took place some time in June of that year.
      The big thing at the time was Iraq. That was on their agenda, but also, surprisingly, there was lots of conversation and talk about Iran. And what surprised me and really raised my eyebrows, was mention, open mention — this was people talking comfortably to one another, not arguing or shouting — but talking comfortably about the Israeli reluctance to strike and provoke Iran into armed action.
      And then the second thing that came out that I recall quite clearly was mention of Japanese reluctance to create havoc within the Chinese financial sectors.
      So then there was open talk about the use of biological weapons, where and when they would be used, and the timing.
      And then there was more talk centered on how Iran must be engaged militarily in order to provoke the desired military response from China. There was a clear expectation of goading Iran into some sort of armed conflict with the West, with China coming to the aid of Iran. Through this goading, either China or Iran would use a tactical nuclear weapon of some sort.
      And, as I mentioned, these people weren’t making decisions. They were discussing something that had already been planned.
      The Iranians do indeed have a tactical nuclear capability right now. I believe it’s from the Chinese. It’s because the Chinese technology has been, for many years, used in their missile systems. They’re getting missile technology also from the Russians as well, but this is mostly ground-to-air missile systems, that sort of thing — defensive weapons. Tactical missile weaponry — that technology is coming via China.
      China will then come to the aid of Iran, very quickly. And what we’re talking about is these “Roads to Jerusalem,” as it were. And it should be no surprise that the Chinese have got their own “Road to Jerusalem,” so to speak, because that’s where the oil is — their lifeline — and that’s where their power could be extended far more than where it is at the moment.
      Well, the plan is for the fuse to be set off in the Middle East again, in a way that would make the previous conflicts in the Middle East look like playground scraps.
      It will involve the use of nuclear weapons and, again, it’s to create an atmosphere of chaos and extreme fear, not just in the West but throughout the world, and to put in place what I’ve mentioned as unified totalitarian Western governments; and to do this China needs to be taken out, politically and socially, for this to happen.
      It’s just an assumption of mine that that Russian government that’s in place at the moment is hand-in-hand with the controlling players that are here in the West. Within this meeting it was mentioned: “to cause the Chinese military to attack Eastern Russia”. Now, I can’t qualify that and why that was mentioned at the meeting — I just don’t know.
      There was talk about biological agents being used, described as being flu-like and it would spread like wildfire. Now, they didn’t mention it at this meeting, but I know now that it will attack people genetically, not everybody together. They’re talking about extinction of a whole part of the human race, doing so genetically.
      It definitely appears to be a thinning of the world’s population and it’s getting it down into a controllable size for this government that’s going to come, in order for them to have the control that they wish for. Otherwise, they wouldn’t have it.
      I believe there will be a limited nuclear exchange — there will be some sort of ceasefire. That was spoken about; they anticipated a quick ceasefire, but not before millions had already died, principally in the Middle East.
      So we’re probably talking about Israel here, the population in Israel being sacrificed. Also places like Syria, Lebanon, possibly Iraq, definitely Iran, you know, the towns and major cities, power plants and so forth, that sort of thing. And then a ceasefire before it goes full-out. This is when biological weapons will be used.
      And here you’ve got to imagine a world, now post-nuclear war, or limited nuclear war, in chaos, financial collapse, totalitarian governments coming into place.
      I don’t think it would be overt, because the Chinese people are going to be hit by the flu! So there’ll be a worldwide flu epidemic, perhaps, with a country like China — or China, because China is mentioned — being the one that’s going to suffer most.

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